Knowledge and practice of radiation safety in the Catherization laboratory among Interventional Cardiologists e An online survey
An Online Survey among Interventional Cardiologists (IC) assessed the knowledge (five questions) and
practice of radiation safety (eleven questions). Out of 185 respondents, knowledge of annual radiation
dose (2% knew), LAO cranial view giving maximum radiation (48%) and benefit of assessment of radiation
exposure with dose area product (31%) was limited. Radiation safety was practiced “whenever I
remember” in 37e59%. Radiation safety practices were optimal frame rate selection (32%), distancing
from x-ray unit (17%), collimation use (30%), positioning the image detector close to chest (91%) and
personal dosimeters use (40%). A major gap exists between knowledge and practice of radiation safety.
© 2022 Cardiological Society of India. Published by Elsevier, a division of RELX India, Pvt. Ltd. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
10/12/2022 6:00:37 PM